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Join for free! | | There is a set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game named after Team Rocket, a trio (or organization, depending on one's definition) from the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and Pokémon Yellow. While it has some devotion to the trio known as Jessie, James, and Meowth, who relentlessly follow the protagonists in the anime, most of this set refers to the criminal organization they belong to. This is the fifth set, coming after Base Set 2 and before Gym Heroes. Its symbol is the R, which is the Team Rocket organization's symbol and can be seen on practically everything that comes from them.
This set introduced the Dark Pokémon, Pokémon controlled by the Team Rocket organization. Dark Pokémon in this set are able to use low amounts of Energy to attack but suffer from low hit points--that is, they're quick to power up but can just as quickly be brought down. This proved unpopular with competitive play, and Dark Pokémon would not show a strong presence until the set's sequel released many years later, Team Rocket Returns, with its Hit Points problem fixed.
This is also the first set to include a card exclusive to the English language version. As part of a promotion, an American-only Dark Raichu can be found in this set, though it is the rarest card. The card number for Dark Raichu states "83/82". |
Checklist: |  | Team Rocket Pokemon cards Checklist, Complete Set: 83 cards, Set Breakdown: 24 Common, 24 Uncommon, 17 Rare, 17 Holographic Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, [ ] 001. Dark Alakazam (H) , [ ] 002. Dark Arbok (H) , [ ] 003. Dark Blastoise (H) , [ ] 004. Dark Charizard (H) , [ ] 005. Dark Dragonite (H) , [ ] 006. Dark Dugtrio (H) , [ ] 007. Dark Golbat (H) , [ ] 008. Dark Gyarados (H) , [ ] 009. Dark Hypno (H) , [ ] 010. Dark Machamp (H) , [ ] 011. Dark Magneton (H) , [ ] 012. Dark Slowbro (H) , [ ] 013. Dark Vileplume (H) , [ ] 014. Dark Weezing (H) , [ ] 015. Here Comes Team Rocket! (H) , [ ] 016. Rocket's Sneak Attack (H) , [ ] 017. Rainbow Energy (H) , [ ] 018. Dark Alakazam (R) , [ ] 019. Dark Arbok (R) , [ ] 020. Dark Blastoise (R) , [ ] 021. Dark Charizard (R) , [ ] 022. Dark Dragonite (R) , [ ] 023. Dark Dugtrio (R) , [ ] 024. Dark Golbat (R) , [ ] 025. Dark Gyarados (R) , [ ] 026. Dark Hypno (R) , [ ] 027. Dark Machamp (R) , [ ] 028. Dark Magneton (R) , [ ] 029. Dark Slowbro (R) , [ ] 030. Dark Vileplume (R) , [ ] 031. Dark Weezing (R) , [ ] 032. Dark Charmeleon (U) , [ ] 033. Dark Dragonair (U) , [ ] 034. Dark Electrode (U) , [ ] 035. Dark Flareon (U) , [ ] 036. Dark Gloom (U) , [ ] 037. Dark Golduck (U) , [ ] 038. Dark Jolteon (U) , [ ] 039. Dark Kadabra (U) , [ ] 040. Dark Machoke (U) , [ ] 041. Dark Muk (U) , [ ] 042. Dark Persian (U) , [ ] 043. Dark Primeape (U) , [ ] 044. Dark Rapidash (U) , [ ] 045. Dark Vaporeon (U) , [ ] 046. Dark Wartortle (U) , [ ] 047. Magikarp (U) , [ ] 048. Porygon (U) , [ ] 049. Abra (C) , [ ] 050. Charmander (C) , [ ] 051. Dark Raticate (C) , [ ] 052. Diglett (C) , [ ] 053. Dratini (C) , [ ] 054. Drowzee (C) , [ ] 055. Eevee (C) , [ ] 056. Ekans (C) , [ ] 057. Grimer (C) , [ ] 058. Koffing (C) , [ ] 059. Machop (C) , [ ] 060. Magnemite (C) , [ ] 061. Mankey (C) , [ ] 062. Meowth (C) , [ ] 063. Oddish (C) , [ ] 064. Ponyta (C) , [ ] 065. Psyduck (C) , [ ] 066. Rattata (C) , [ ] 067. Slowpoke (C) , [ ] 068. Squirtle (C) , [ ] 069. Voltorb (C) , [ ] 070. Zubat (C) , [ ] 071. Here Comes Team Rocket! (R) , [ ] 072. Rocket's Sneak Attack (R) , [ ] 073. The Boss's Way (U) , [ ] 074. Challenge (U) , [ ] 075. Digger (U) , [ ] 076. Impostor Oak's Revenge (U) , [ ] 077. Nightly Garbage Run (U) , [ ] 078. Goop Gas Attack (C) , [ ] 079. Sleep (C) , [ ] 080. Rainbow Energy (R) , [ ] 081. Full Heal Energy (U) , [ ] 082. Potion Energy (U) , [ ] 83/82. Dark Raichu (UR) |